Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics is written by Leigh Tesfatsion and Kenneth L. Judd. This economics book is published by North Holland. This economics book is a definitive reference source of various branches of economics. You will learn new tools and opportunities for economists, Agent based computational economics (ACE), economic processes modeled as dynamic systems, network economics, social dynamics, financial markets, market design, trading agents, political economy, social ecological systems, general methodological issues and more.
Following are the few economics topics covered in this Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics.
- You will learn Agent based computational economics systems, walrasian equilibrium to ACE trading, ACE modeling processes, ACE trading world, etc
- This economics book make you clear about Computationally intensive analysis in Economics, computational tools, agent learning representation on modeling economic learning, agent based human subject experiments, Economic activity on fixed networks, ACE models of endogenous interactions, etc.
- Moreover you will learn Social dynamics theory and applications, heterogeneous agent models in economics and finance, agent based computational finance, agent based models of innovation and technological change, market design using agent based models, automated markets and trading agents, governing social ecological systems, computational laboratories for spatial agent based models, out of equilibrium economics and agent based modeling, etc. and more.